In 2009 I decided to start running with the help of the couch to 5k program, in order to lose weight. It worked–in part due to unhealthy eating habits, which made the weight loss unsustainable. The yo-yoing continued, until I accepted the fact that I love sugar and am going to continue eating it…just in some semblance of moderation, and in combination with exercise.
In 2015 I remembered that I used to occasionally enjoy running, and decided to take it up again. I did the couch to 10k program, and in January 2016, I ran my first 10k! This was followed by my first half marathon in April 2016, and my first marathon in November 2017.
These days, I proudly consider myself a runner and an athlete.
I also love traveling, and taking runcations. In addition to races in various US cities, I've run races in Peru, Japan, and the Netherlands.
On September 17, 2018 I fulfilled a lifelong dream and made Aliyah, immigrating to Israel. I decided to use this blog as a way to process my experiences as an Olah Hadashah (new immigrant) and my experiences running various races in Israel and beyond!