I’m now back stateside until early September! Although I’ve been quiet, it doesn’t mean I haven’t been running.
…but this is 8 days…
Correct! Strava, the app I use to track my running, tracks weeks from Monday-Sunday. This makes sense in most of the world, where the weekend is Saturday-Sunday, and my long run could fall on either day. In Israel, the weekend is Friday-Saturday, so it was always frustrating that my Sunday runs (which happened pretty regularly) were always counted toward the previous week. While I’m in the US, I’m going to track my workout weeks from Monday-Sunday. This means that this workout week technically has 2 Sundays…
sunday, april 14 – wednesday, april 17
I did no running on these days. Sunday was a work retreat, I took Monday off to enjoy my last day in Israel with Lior (we went ice skating!), Tuesday, I flew to Florida, and on Wednesday, I did nothing. Yay, jet lag!
Not pictured: All the teenagers taking advantage of an early end to the school day
thursday, April 18
I attempted a speed workout but had bathroom issues, so I cut it short. I ran 7.16 miles:
2 mile warm-up
8 Canova Ks (8km/5mi, with 1K @ 9:15min/mi, 1K @ 9:00min/mi)
friday, april 19
Casual 7.2 mile run!
saturday, april 20
I was going to do my long run, but…the matza was tough on my system, so I decided to do a shorter, 5 mile run instead.
sunday, april 21
I wanted to run 12 miles, but “only” ran 8. My reasons/excuses:
I started too late, so it was getting too dark
I had breathing issues
Oh well, it was still 8 miles!
total distance: 27.4 miles
I was supposed to run more, but overall, I’m still happy with the effort!