This is week 18 of an 18-week training plan that will hopefully get me to the marathon start line ready to have an amazing race, and maybe even PR!
Monday, February 24
There was a mosquito in our room, which periodically bit me throughout the night…not fun!
I woke up, made coffee, and applied for jobs. Today I received my third election slip in the mail. This tells me where my local polling place is, as well as which group I’m in–basically, each room in the polling place (usually a school or other community building, just like in the US) is for a different sub-group. It’s either totally random or according to address. Honestly, this is Israel, so I’m loathe to make assumptions about how (or if) it’s organized. It is excruciatingly frustrating that I am about to participate in my THIRD Israeli national election, and all I can do is hope that this time a coalition can be formed…and that it goes in my favor!
Tuesday, February 25
The job stuff is not so interesting, but you know what is? Sous vide! Tonight, Lior busted out the sous vide he got for his birthday, and made some very tasty steaks! I am officially a sous vide believer! While the steaks were cooking, he and I worked on my Purim costume. Now both of our costumes are almost done. We probably only need an hour or so to finish both! And we have over a week to do this! Such exceptional planning makes me giddy.
Wednesday, February 26
Today, it was officially announced that international runners already in Tel Aviv can run the race. Or something like that. The wording was kind of vague. I don’t think the situation was handled very well…but at least I know I’ll be running the marathon in TWO DAYS! And OF COURSE the temperature for the day keeps creeping up…now there’s a high of 71F!
Today was more job searching. Also, I showered! So productive! In all seriousness, today was slightly less productive than the rest of the week…but I still got some stuff done. I’m sorry to be so vague, but I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot! I’m planning to write a long post about my job search, once it’s complete.
Thursday, February 27
Although I have been receiving responses to my job applications, I want to improve my response rate. I spent some time updating my resume and writing a new cover letter. Hopefully this works!
Friday, February 28
Today I ran the Tel Aviv Marathon! Read my recap here.

Saturday, February 29
Lior and I spent the day visiting friends, and we also got massages! It didn’t make me feel better (also didn’t make me feel worse), but it was very relaxing!
My left knee is very sore from the race, so in the evening I had to take some Advil to deal with the pain. In a few days, I should feel good as new!
I also followed the US Olympic Marathon trials online…congratulations to the qualifiers! It was not the results I was expecting, but that’s part of the excitement–it’s anyone’s race!
Sunday, March 1
I had trouble falling asleep last night, despite being tired. Melatonin to the rescue! I woke up feeling less sore. I can now stand up/sit down without groaning every time, This is excellent progress!
Total Distance: 26.6 miles
There you have it! I ran a marathon. I’ll be taking a break from weekly recaps while I recover/until I have more interesting content to share.